Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fabric Flowers

I've had several people ask me how I make the little flowers for the dolls' hair, so I thought I'd create a simple tutorial for anybody to use.  These fabric flowers are really cute and versatile.  You can add them to ponytail holders, bobby pins, pillows, or tacs to use on a cork board.  They even make cute pins to attach to a purse or handbag.  

You will need the following materials:
- Fabric scraps
- Button*
- Hot glue gun
-Heat N Bond

*To cover a button with fabric as pictured with these flowers, please see my tutorial for making button earrings.  Otherwise, you can use any type of button or sequin for the center of your flower.  

Step 1:  Cut 4 circles and one square out of your fabric scraps .  (I usually cut my circles with a 4" diameter and a the square as 6" x 6" but you can make them any size you desire.)

Step 2:  Cut a piece of Heat N Bond to cover 1/2 the size of your square.  Follow the instructions that comes on the package to iron the paper onto your fabric. 

Step 3:  Then fold your fabric over so that the Heat N Bond binds the two sides together and iron again.  (You don't have to use the Heat N Bond if you don't have any.  This step helps to stiffen the fabric to provide support to the back of the flower, but you can omit this step if you would rather use felt for the back piece. )

Step 4:  Form the petals of your flower by folding each of the circles in half twice so that they form little triangles.  (I use pins to hold them in place until I am ready to glue them).  

Step 5:  Hot glue two of your petals together at the tips of each triangle.  Repeat for the other two petals.  Cut a flower shape out of your stiffened fabric.  

Step 6:  Assemble your flower by glueing your petals onto the back piece of the flower.  To finish it off, hot glue your button onto the top of the flower in the center.   

You are finished with your flower! Now you can decide what to make with them!

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